Keys to College Survival & Success

The world is before you and you need not take it or leave it as it was when you came in.
— James Baldwin
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Featured Workshop Experience Options

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  • Writing for Your Life: College Writing 101—A Crash Course to Help You Fly

  • Building Your Writing Stamina: Completing Long Papers Before You’re “Done” with Them

  • Taming the Three Bears: Writing Too Long, Writing Too Short, and Trusting Your “Just Right”

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  • No Longer #1: Advancing Your College Career by Addressing Your Fears and Anxieties of Not Being the Smartest Person in the Room

  • Pumping the Breaks on Self-Sabotage: Re-engineering Thinking & Habits that Place You in Your Own Way

  • The Art and Craft(iness) of When to Change Course: Developing a Personalized Approach to Changing Your Mind (on a Major, Career, Professor, Course, Activity, etc.)

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  • Represent, with Care: Strategies for Thriving, Speaking up, and Emotional Rest as a College-Going Minority Student

  • Crossing the Finish Line: Sanity-Inducing Strategies and Actions to Finish the Degree You Started

  • Usual Suspects & Unique Solutions: De-Stress Plans of Action for Collegiate Distress